Training and workshops for inclusion and equity in the world of software

We create training programs that promote inclusion and equity based on gender, race and age reasons, dysfunctional and psychosocial factors around the stimulation of the software developer profession.



Saturday, October 9th, 2021 at 10:00:00 AM

Sala Polivalente de Tavascan

Free workshop "Do you know what programming is?"

We will learn what programming is using an active learning methodology with the help of “Scratch”.

Compilando con

Friday, October 1st, 2021 at 10:00:00 AM


Interview with Guillermo Blasco "What is Software Systems Design?"

We will discover what it means to design software systems, we will learn about Guillermo Blasco's experience designing systems and we will find out where and in how long it takes to learn.


Friday, October 29th, 2021 at 10:00:00 AM


Desprogramando "Being a woman in the world of software development" - Available only in spanish

We reflect with 3 female developers and 1 male developer on what it means to be a woman in the world of software development.

Our mission

Promote equality, inclusion, awareness, participation and responsibility in the world of software development from the creation of educational resources for different spaces and entities.

Our values

Equality and Inclusion

We defend and disseminate equality and inclusion as a guarantee of equal and non-discriminatory treatment for reasons of gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, race, culture, religious belief, age, functional disability or psychosocial condition within the world of development of software.


We promote awareness of the impact on society defending that new professions have an ethical code that includes values ​​of responsible coexistence.


We promote the participation of all people and groups who want to be part of the improvement of the world of software development.


We ensure the public, truthful and transparent promotion of the results obtained and the activities carried out.